Sat Manav Yoga Ashram

As the modern world of Yoga develops, it can be hard to connect with the roots of this vast science. All of Yogic philosophy and practice stems from an original and defining purpose.
To define Yoga without the limitations of modern philosophies, practices, and concepts is to reach into the true meaning of our existence as human beings…
Before we examine the term “Yoga,” we need to ask ourselves the two most important questions a human being can ask:
Why am I/are we here?
What is my/our purpose?
These questions have mystified and enticed us through the ages. Yet their answers were verifiably attained by Yogis: human beings who dedicate their lives to the clear aim of knowing and embodying Life’s true purpose for the benefit of all.
Philosophy of Sat Manav Yoga

To seek these answers, Yogis always focus on three fundamental and universally agreed-upon components of life, the pillars of Yogic philosophy and enlightened activity for at least 7,000 years.
Consciousness ~ We are all aware. This is the knowing of self and other.
Energy ~ All living beings breathe (respiration). We recognize that life is dependent upon breath.
Matter ~ All beings have some form of embodiment, the vessel of the senses. This allows us to observe, respond, analyze, and draw conclusions about ourselves and the experiential world.

Life is our most precious possession. When our life grows, we are fulfilled. When life diminishes, we suffer. If we can expand the consciousness, energy and matter within us, we can expand life.
By the laws of attraction and the power of attention, what we put our attention on grows and expands. By putting our attention on Life, our Life expands—we grow and expand. True and lasting fulfillment is attained and propagated!
Why is Yoga all about expanding Life? Because it is the innate, deepest desire of every human being to realize our true nature and reach our true potential. But the benefit of Yoga doesn’t stop at individuals achieving wondrous realization and true fulfillment. As Yogis expand and enhance Life, they naturally emanate that experience to all beings—giving all beings more Life, too!
This is the fruition of Life and the true purpose of all human beings. The Yogis at Sat Manav Yoga Ashram have dedicated their lives to living, experiencing and emanating this reality for the benefit of all beings.
Join us on this adventure! Experience the life changing power of dedicated Yoga practice: the health, well-being, contentment and joy. Come and participate in one of our many retreats!
Fundamentally speaking, “focusing” or “placing our attention” (avadhana) on these components of Life is the ultimate goal and purpose of VaShi Yoga. Engaging in this simple but profound practice with the precisely correct intention, coupled with asana (physical postures), pranayam (life-force expansion through breath) and samyama (meditation), is how Yogis have achieved extreme longevity, amazing vitality, “supernatural” powers and even immortality (the Divya Deha or Diamond Body).