Pahalwani Martail Arts

Pahalwani is the martial art of the ancient heroes and sages of India. It is established in the principle of Shanti Kala, or “the way of peace.”
This form of martial arts was not created to promote violence, but to cultivate prosperity and protect dharma (ancient wisdom). Deeply rooted in the principles of yoga, Pahalwani was originally taught and practiced by rishis (spiritual ascetics). It is said to originate from Maha Shiva, the patron god of yoga and meditation, and is the root of the Eastern martial arts we know today.
By protecting those who desire good, Pahalwani is designed to propagate and enhance life. Performed as a meditation and spiritual practice, it brings both physical and mental balance to the practitioner. With this mental fortitude, the Pahalwan gains the strength to fight and the confidence to win, standing firm in the face of adversity.
Many are afraid to advocate for what is right because they fear what will happen to them. With the strength and understanding gained from Pahalwani, the practitioner can stand up for themselves and others with courage and composure.
One-on-One Hour-Long Lesson
Price: $70
Also available for retreat workshops pricing varied by time duration and location.
Call or email Manu for details and to book your first session!