Vashi Treatments
Vashi Abhyanga & Vashi Yoga Massage
We offer two types of massage therapy, the Abhyanga, is an oilation treatment to help the body release and promote relaxation of the muscles, tendons and spine on the physical level, as well as enhancement of the flow of life force within.
The Yoga Massage is based on the manipulation of the body towards decompression and alignment. This allows more blood circulation to take place, muscles to lengthen and oxygenate, and joints to have more space between them allowing even more flow of prana. It also brings the spine back into alignment allowing proper movement in the whole body, releasing blockages and tension, which in many cases are the main source of pain.
To enroll, you can come for a weekend yoga retreat, (adding your treatment to your package) or you can schedule an appointment.
Prices: Vashi Abhyanga or Vashi Yoga massage price for retreat guests: $90; Regular: $108.
Schedule your appointment today!
Check our availability by calling/texting (207) 485-1228 or email