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Winter Solstice Celebration

Celebrating the Winter Solstice is a marking of our planetary return "to the light." It is a day to acknowledge our need for and the power of the light!

For Yogis honoring the Solstice is about forging a commitment within to move even more toward the light in the coming year, for the benefit of all. Yoga is the science of discovering and living the “light” of truth, and bringing it blazing into this world!

Festivals at Sat Manav are an exciting occasion. They are a way to investigate self, and experience the depth of potential we all have through invigorating ceremony and deeply insightful practical applications. Join us to renew, rejoice and learn new and exciting ways to lighten up your soul, your heart and you mind! Life is our greatest gift! Join us to celebrate that, Yogi style!

See full schedule below. Join us for the whole weekend, or for just a part!

Suggested donation: $90/full day, $45/half day. Overnight accommodation: $75/per room, per night. Kids welcome! For questions please text or call Uma at (207) 578-8227. Thank you!

Your donation supports our nonprofit in benefiting all beings through Yoga and meditation. Thank you.

November 19

Kalbhairav Jayanti "Birth of Strength" Festival

January 21

Amma Jayanti "Celebrating the Divine Feminine"