Our Natural HealingTeam

The Nadi Vaidyam healing team is composed by disciples of Bhagavan Vashi Baba & Mirabai Iswari. Bhagavan Vashi Baba dedicated many years of his life to natural healing, being a well recognized naturopath in the Farmington Area. Since the year of 2000 Bhagavan is in secluded retreat completely dedicating his life to the attainment of the diamong body and to guide his disciples in this path. As part of a disciple’s life (a spiritual practitioner that dedicates his/her life to the benefit of all beings) the teachings of Bhagavan addresses the yogi way of living, which includes our natural healing system. Our Nadi Vaidyam team is guided by Bhagavan and his vast wisdom into Human’s natural state. We are trained to help you reach a better mental, emotional, physical state and rediscover your true self. Schedule your consultation and join in this new journey of ultimate health and wellbeing, full of joy and happiness.


Sunyata Shyam

I have been a disciple of Bhagavan for 20 years and I am his first apprentice on the natural healing program. I am the head of the Nadi Vaidyam treatments (Vashi Yoga Masssage and Abhyanga) and the chef of our Ashram. I will guide you throughout your next steps of exuberance on the way of the proper way of living and caring of your body. I am excited to share throughout the sections the energizing and practical teachings of yogic living into your new life.


Sita Vashi Devi

With a background as an Agricultural Scientist, MS. and PhD. in Plant Genetic Resources, Sita Vashi Devi worked for 15 years with healthy food production and ecological living, helping people to learn and apply the right ways towards a healthy and sustainable life connecting their hearts and minds with Mother Nature. Her work has always been towards finding the answers of how Humans could express their ultimate potential to synchronize with mother Nature and be a positive influence on the Planet. Sita Vashi Devi brings all together: Yoga, Ecology and Natural Life Style, having the Yogic Science as the main background of work, research and studies. Her consultations will help you establish a Sattvic Life Style based in Natural Diet (Mitahara), Meditation and Yoga Practice (Hatha Yoga). She is the Guru’s cook, preping raw fresh meals that support their practice. Sita Vashi Devi will guide you through the understanding and the experience of human’s natural way of Living & Eating, and teach you new strategies to keep the energy levels always high and life exuberance always present. She will keep you supported throughout the sections, or the retreats, guiding your steps into the phases of the Nadi Vaidyam Program for you to attain the best expression of yourself.


Amara Vashi Deva

I am a disciple since …. and for 5 years I have been the direct assistant of Bhagavan Vashi Baba on body alignment. I will help you with our Vashi Yoga Masssage and Abhyanga in your quest for health and happiness. I will guide you to attain the perfect alignment that your body is able to achieve in its current state, and keeps you moving throughout the sections to reach more and more the perfect alignment for your ultimate expression of health.